The way you contact the surgery is changing…
What changes are going to be made?
- Over the next few weeks we will be moving from our Dolphin House website based system to SystmConnect.
- Initially this will be for: admin queries, letter requests, sick note requests.
- Over time we hope to expand this to medication reviews, results follow up, digital messaging and online consultations.
Why are we making changes?
- The new system is fully integrated with our SystmOne computer system meaning requests will be automatically linked to your NHS records.
- Moving to a single joined up platform will mean requests can be processed more efficiently. We hope this will decrease the time it takes for requests to be actioned, reduce the possibility for errors and increase overall patient satisfaction.
What do I need to do?
- Systm Connect is accessible from your SystmOnline account. Simply click the link shown below to launch the platform and follow the instructions

- For a while both systems will run in parallel, however we would recommend submitting your admin queries via SystmConnect from today so that any technical problems can be identified
- If you have any problems please contact our reception team